The NCASI Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization established in 2000. It is not a private foundation. Its mission is to support environmental science and data to promote the sustainable use of earth’s resources, inform regulatory policy, educate, and execute the charitable activities of NCASI.

Contributions and donations to the NCASI Foundation are tax deductible in the U.S.

The NCASI Foundation can apply for and accept funding from organizations, such as private foundations, that restrict their granting to charitable 501(c)(3) organizations. The NCASI Foundation does not do research, it supports NCASI and their partners’ program goals and research projects. All work must be publicly shared.

The NCASI Foundation is not positioned at this time to provide funding for unsolicited extramural research.

The NCASI Foundation works with NCASI staff, Member Companies and external partners to identify and pursue sponsored research opportunities. Once it is determined that a proposal or project is suited for The NCASI Foundation, an assessment of sponsor and partner requirements is done. The NCASI Foundation can serve as the contracting organization for proposals that require a 501(c)(3). The NCASI Foundation may contract with NCASI or other subcontractors via a Memorandum of Agreement “MOA” to conduct the work outlined in the MOA Scope of Work.

The NCASI Foundation does not operate solely as a pass-through entity. Projects must have a scope of work and outcome or product that supports a NCASI goal and can be shared publicly.

Day-to-day operations are run by Susan McCord, Director and Corporate Secretary of The NCASI Foundation. Oversight is provided by The NCASI Foundation Board of Directors, composed of:

  • Chair of The NCASI Foundation Board of Directors – Chair of the NCASI Board of Governors
  • NCASI Member Company representatives (majority)
  • External representatives from non-governmental groups, academia, government or other industry sectors (minority)
  • President of The NCASI Foundation is President of NCASI, Inc.
  • Treasurer of The NCASI Foundation is Treasurer of NCASI, Inc.