The NCASI Foundations supports projects which are diverse in nature and range from targeted research of specific at-risk species to the large-scale expansion of active work being done in forest health to mitigate threats from invasive species and changing climates.
We are committed to furthering critical research for our planet.
Highlighted Projects
Current projects include:
- Assessing wildlife value of slash piles including implications for martens and fishers
- Biodiversity in natural and managed early seral forests of southern Oregon
- Black-backed Woodpecker demographic rates in an understudied habitat: Unburned conifer forest
- BLM OR/ WA Coos Bay Coastal Marten Surveys
- Developing a Pacific marten habitat connectivity model for Lassen National Forest (CA)
- Evaluating pollinator plant associations, diversity, and abundance across a watershed-scale gradient of forest management intensity in the Oregon coast range
- Fisher conservation in Oregon under the Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances (CCAA) program
- Humboldt marten connectivity in the southern Oregon coast ranges
- Identifying science-based conservation opportunities for Humboldt martens
- Intensive Forest Management (IFM) Avian point count and vegetation
- Manipulating retained structures to improve wildlife value
- Marten and Fisher Surveys
- Pacific Marten habitat use and distribution on the Gold Beach Ranger District
- Pollinator pathways across landscapes: floral occurrence, pollinator richness, and plant/pollinator interactions in the Oregon Coast Range
- Red Tree Voles in Working Forests
- Wildlife Conservation Initiative: Quantifying the contribution of sustainable forest practices to at-risk species and terrestrial and aquatic communities
- 2020 Westside fire synthesis and quantitative wildfire risk assessment and mitigation framework
- Comparing wildfire and forest management effects on water quality and fish in headwater ecosystems
- Cumulative effects of post-fire riparian forest management on vegetation structure and diversity across fire severity and land ownership
- Ground truthing streamflow duration classification
- Small Area Estimation Partnership (PSAE)